Girma Gobezie
Council Member
Mr. Girma Gobezie, Project Director for the Smoke-Free For All San Diegans (SFASD) at Catholic Charities Diocese of San Diego (CCDSD) manages day-to-day operations of the program and provides fiscal management of project funds. His responsibility includes staff supervision, program implementation, and completion of all state and internal progress reports. A small percentage of his time in program oversight and implementation is directly involved in evaluation activities including: consulting with the project evaluator, developing survey instruments, and providing summary information to the evaluator.
Mr. Gobezie has been with CCDSD since 1994 and serves as primary contact for the California Department of Public Health Tobacco Control Program CDPH/CTCP. University-educated in Ethiopia and Europe, he worked with the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in Paris, France and Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia as a Research and Administration Coordinator. His training and experience in the fields of planning, research and development have served him well in the implementation of multi-cultural, multi-faceted community education and evaluation efforts. Mr. Gobezie is familiar with CTCP reporting requirements and active in collaborating with other CTCP funded projects in San Diego. He has led SFASD’s participation in various advocacy activities